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Cleaning valve

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Product Details
Exclusive device where materials, production and assembly technologies are used. The compact and rounded shape allows to avoid material wastes optimizing the sizes; the grey colour makes its very discrete once it is applied inside the zinc cover.
The high automatization production process allows to obtain a product able to meet the safety needs with unique features:
  • highly resistant external covering in thermoplastic material;
  • strong seal placed between cover and container to assure the total sealing;
  • safety valve made up by a stainless steel sphere working as obturator: placed at the base of the covering, that is at the top of the filtering charge, allows to preserve completely the filter until the moment of the use;
  • calibrating pressure of the safety valve that 0,03 bar or higher (complying with the Ministry of Health regulations);
  • filtering charge made up by active carbons with high filtering power of the putrefaction gases;
  • innovative conception of the internal structure of the covering, with a trail obliging the gases to an optimal filtering;
  • traceability of the production lot, that can be identify with a number placed on the packaging and on the adhesive label to apply to the guarantee certificate.
Every CLEANING VALVE is subjected to serious tests to assure the efficiency before exit the production process through electronic control units; only if the tests are totally positive, the CLEANING VALVE will be considered suitable:
  • sealing test of the safety valve with pressure lower than 0,03 bar;
  • opening test of the safety valve at the nominal value of 0,03 bar;
  • sealing test between cover and box of the VALVE.
  • Once the positive controls have been carried out, the GUARANTEE SEAL is applied, confirming the product integrity from its removal to its use.
As a confirmation of the high quality of the product, CEABIS assures its VALVE, beyond the law terms:
  • 5 years of guarantee concerning the damage due to product defects;
  • 10 years of damage covering for defects on the product.

To activate the guarantee and make it effective, it’s necessary to send to CEABIS the certificate that is inside the package, filled with the corpse data and applying on it the adhesive coupon identifying the production lot of the valve.

There are some factors that are able to cancel the cleaning effect of the VALVE and that can cause problems of emanation of bad smells from coffin:
  • not perfect tin welding between cover and zinc coffin;
  • corrosions causing a perforation of the zinc coffin under the effect of cadaveric gases/liquids;
  • corrosions causing a perforation of the zinc coffin under the action of electrolytic events due to the presence of high humidity;
  • not correct closing of the cover of the wood coffin and not suitable to support the pushing given by the gases of cadaveric putrefaction. In fact the wooden coffin which works as a reinforcement grid of the zinc coffin, if it’s not properly closed, can indirectly causing the dilatation of the zinc coffin itself(it’s important to remember that the internal pressures of the coffin, acting on a wide surface like the one of the zinc coffin cover, can cause pushing to allow an easy reinflation even with values of pressure of 0,03 bar – nominal pressure before opening the small valve placed on the VALVE);
  • assembly of the VALVE in a position where the size of the valve itself interfere with the size volume of the corpse or that enters into contact with the coffin interior and hinders the correct passage of gases through the small valve (the assembly position is the feet side).
Ministry decree 23rd January 2006: authorization to use of the cleaning valve for coffins model “V01”.
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